Day House

pa200214pa200213pa200212pa200211pa200210pa200209pa200208pa200207pa200206pa200205pa200204pa200203pa200202pa200201scan0003scan0001This is the Day house, Designed by Marshall Clifton in May 1939. It is a wonderful example of his spanish work, and an exceptionally beautiful house. But, look at the state it is in! I have no idea why it has got to this stage. This is a truly important house in WAs history. It is heritage listed, and it states, that this is the most intact of Cliftons significant Spanish style houses. The clifton house and others having suffered major internal remodelling, and more. So if this is let go, a significant piece of our history is lost! We need to do something! I dont know what, but if you have ideas, let me know!

I have included the floor plans from Duncan Richards and Barbara Chapmans book on him, as well as this quote.”The best know of these(spanish style houses) is his own house in Mosman Park and the house for Dr J Day in Claremont, These are the projects that many Western Australian architects feel most effectively “bear his own personal stamp”. To form an opinion if an architect who produced a large body of work over a 50 year working life, on the basis of 2 houses built within ashort period of time has an idiosyncratic quality about it, but there is a certain appropriateness in this critical judgement. These “spanish style” houses were accomplished and mature works and possessed a quality that Clifton never repudiated”


One response to “Day House

  1. Apparently the house has been inherited by owners who lack the means to keep it maintained. If they ever sell, I expect the new owners will restore it to its former glory.

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